Time: 10-11 June, 2014
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Spain is the fourth largest pesticide market in Europe, and the 12th one in the world, as well as one of the 20 biggest markets with the rapid growth of pesticide markets. Spain is also the biggest olive oil producers. It’s a big agricultural country in Europe which abounds in grape and wine. It’s not only the biggest citrus producer, but also the third crop producer and the second vegetable producer in Europe.
The 2014 CAC Europe Summit wiil be held at Barcelona. Experts of European pesticides and non-agricultural area will be invited here to give further introduction about the overview and characteristics of European pesticides’ markets, registration managements, statistic requirements, schedules, costs, strategies of market’s expansion and analysis of successful cases. They will also help Asian enterprises analyze that how to explore European market and how to choose business partners. This summit wil provide a platform that couldn’t be better for our domestic enterprises to communicate information with European experts.
The CCPIT will help our domestic enterprises build more business relations through leading us to visit the representative pesticide enterprises in Spain and the European famous GLP laboratories after this exhibition.
Plant protection products, such as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, biological insecticides, agricultural intermediates, etc.
Fengshan Group as a regular of CAC, we cannot miss such a great chance to maintain our existing customers and to develop more potential customers.